Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rainbow of Pain

Pain shooting through my feet, like
White lightening striking a dead sequoia tree
Writhing as the pain courses up my spine
Deep into the back of my left eye

Pain turning me purple, black and green, like
An angry mother elephant protecting her young
Stampeding across my body
As I lay curled up in the fetal position

Pain tickling my toes, like
Stinging ants marching between my pinky toe and ankle
Licking the pale underside of my foot
No matter how much I try to rub them away

Pain soft and throbbing, like
A dusty old pebble lodged in a swollen gap between my toes
Aching a silent mysterious ache
Making me feel crazier with each passing day

Pain stabing me with every step, like
A hungry lioness tearing my flesh from my bones
Wincing as I walk
Wondering why it still hurts

Broken bones, swollen ligaments, angered nerves
Plague me
And with each unfamiliar sensation
My understanding of pain expands



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